Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School!

Well today was a very fun filled day with the lil man getting ready for his first day of school. I am the guilty mom who has never had my poor lil guy try on any clothes! lol I tend to be a lil bit of a shopaholic... I just come home with a pile of new clothes and say "look what mommy got you today!" Haha! So today was def entertaining. He had a blast trying on clothes and saying "yup they fit" before I ever even got to look at them! lol! =) He is so excited about being a big boy like his brother that all he has on his brain is school school school! I love it and Im so excited for him, but on the other hand Im breaking down.... help me not to cry on his first day! Layne is my lil tough guy but when his mommy sheds a tear... he melts! If his mommy hurts that lil guy turns to mush! I have to be tough mommy for just a lil while until I get outta the school... then I can bawl my lil eyes out on the the way home!  Its hard to imagine that hes not going to be by my side 24/7... "mom mom mom mom mom!" Whew what ever will I do with silence at home from the hours of 730-330? Hmmmmmmmm.... bring it on! So for all those mommies out there with their babies heading off to school in a few weeks... we can do it! Walk if not run to the car & then let it all out! Thats what this mommy will be doing!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well the last few weeks Change has come in and out of my life in many ways... but now my life is heading into a whole new direction. Layne finally starts school this year && is registered and ready to go!!! =) He has never been more excited! We have also decided to move, (yes 2 weeks before school actually starts) but I think it is going to be a great new start! The school is excellent and the small town atmosphere is all I could ever ask for my two lil guys. In all the chaos with packing for the move, trying to build a new house, catch up on bills and all the other responcibilities of an adult, I am also going back to school on the 30th! Whew when I put all my eggs in one basket... I do it well!!! =) (Among other things, for those of you who know me!) Life is really heading in a positive direction finally and on the upside of things! So although im not much on Change && am probably the biggest, most organized, list maker you know... Change can definatly be an amazing Blessing! Even when you dont know when or where it can occur!!! =)